Wednesday, May 23, 2007


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This is a man stuck in a vat of chocolate. Also a "fondon't".


Take all your easter candy out of the freezer, except for the Curious George chocolate monkey, because you're drunk and forgot it's there. Melt it in a pan, or if you're fancy, the Lil' Dipper sauce warmer that came with your Crock Pot, which is also insane because you plug it in, which you can do in bed. Dip in chunks of a gross apple you got at the gym and some whole wheat sandwich bread. Force your partner to remove dishes to the kitchen when finished. Promptly fall asleep before he returns.


Colleen said...

OMG! I used to have a Lil Dipper! Here's my fonDON'T: I made fondue with red wine instead of white--so it was lavender! Whatevs, it was college.
So it was probs also Carlo Rossi "wine."

Anonymous said...

I bet there's a Betty Crocker Recipe Card out there with "Elegant Lavender Velvet Fondue". Can't you just see it?

Colleen said...

Betty Cracker, maybe!