Tuesday, May 15, 2007

New Jersey Bread

Preparation: Decent dose of weed applied via vaporizer
one blunt butterknife


Peanut Butter, natural- 1 1/2 tbsp
Whole-Wheat Bread - 1 slice

Apply peanut butter to bread with butterknife, nearly destroying it with each stroke. Curse the fact that you had to go to Whole Foods and buy natural peanut butter for like $50 when you could have had Skippy, Food of the Gods, for $2 from the bodega across the street. Then laugh to yourself about an old game show you saw. Then cut the bread like you thought you had when you were a kid, which is to say nothing like you had when you were a kid:

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...vaguely looking like the state of New Jersey.

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Serve with your boyfriend's roommate's Doritos and another two hits from the vaporizer. Serves two.


lioux said...


This reminds me of one drunken night with some BFF's and we only possessed the ingredients to make Dorito®™©™ sandwiches.




Anonymous said...


That's like when I was a (fat) little kid and wanted a snack, and only had taco shells, ham, butter, and mayonnaise in the house, and made the world's worst taco ever. When I abandoned that ship, I tried to get the dog to eat it, and he declined, then licked his privates.

lioux said...

I'm totally LOLing right now Amanda!